

What's the Big Idea About LED Lighting and What Are the Benefits?

Ron Nanberg | Mon, Jul 14, 2014 | Kitchen Remodeling

LEDThe minute you start a kitchen remodeling or renovation project, energy efficiency is a consideration. If not in regards to your appliance selections, the designer will discuss it when creating your lighting plan and the benefits of LED (light emitting diode) lights will be a part of the conversation.

This is because LED lights are incredibly energy-efficient and last significantly longer than their incandescent or fluorescent counterparts. One of the biggest detractors - until recently - was their price tag, which has been consistently higher than other options. However, before you write them off as something to consider "the next time around," take a moment to review the benefits of LED lights and you'll understand why they're a worthwhile investment.

They're revolutionary. In the world of lighting, that is. In fact, the Energy.gov website claims, "LED...lighting technology...has the potential to fundamentally change the future of lighting in the United States." To put it in perspective, LED light fixtures are 75% more energy efficient than their incandescent counterparts and they last 25 times longer. It's almost like a new twist on an old joke:

Q: How many people does it take to change an LED light bulb?
A: None, because they never need to be changed.

Okay, so they do need to be changed but 25 times less often makes a major difference in light bulb consumption.

Lovely light. We made the switch to fluorescents in the beginning, because we wanted to do our part for the environment. However, there were two things we didn't like. The first was the fact that they contain toxic mercury that should never be added to a landfill. Therefore, we had to dispose of them safely, which was inconvenient. Secondly, the quality of light stinks. Even the "good" florescent options are still florescent so it was hard not to miss our incandescents. One of the benefits of LED lights, on the other hand, is that they now offer a much better quality of light, sparing you the harsh glare of CFLs.

No heat. Did you know your incandescent light sources can increase the cooling load required by your home? No joke. Those little bulbs put out enough heat that your cooling system has to work harder to cool things off. LED lights release very little of their energy in the form of heat. As a comparison, incandescents release 90% of their energy as heat and fluorescents are only a little bit better, releasing 80% of their energy as heat. What a waste of energy!

Better direction. LED lights are especially beneficial for recessed downlighting and task lighting because they don't require the reflectors and diffusers required for other light sources. With other sources of light, as much as 50% of the light never even leaves the fixture. LED recessed cans are your best task lighting option for your kitchen and bathrooms.  

Ready to begin designing a lighting plan for your kitchen remodeling or renovation project? Schedule a consultation with Kitchen & Baths Unlimited and we'll show you how affordable LED lights can be.